Welcome to the renewed Dedicated Systems evaluation report download portal
  This new portal makes available the results of the recent evaluation project conducted by Dedicated Systems Experts in collaboration with the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB-ETRO). 

This portal will be soon extended with pages explaining in detail the evaluation process.

Without registering, one can give a look to the report samples. These samples give the content table and the executive summary page.

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 Full Report cover page Report sample cover page
Latest Comparison Sample Reports
Report titleRevisionDownloadPublidate (US format)
Comparison of QNX 6.5, Win CE7, RT Linux 2.6.33, and Android 3.0.4 on ARM platform3CMP-ARM-v300_SAMPLE.pdf3/2/2012
Comparison of QNX 6.5 and RT Linux on x86 (Pentium MMX) platform2CMP-x86-01-v200-sample.pdf3/5/2012
Comparison of QNX 6.5, Win CE7, and RT Linux 2.6.33 on ATOM platform1CMP-ATOM-v100-SAMPLE.pdf5/1/2012
Comparison of QNX 6.5 and Vanilla Linux 2.6.32 on PowerPC platform1CMP-PPC-v100-SAMPLE.pdf5/10/2012
Latest Sample Reports
Report titleRevisionDownloadPublidate (US format)Sorted By Publidate (US format) In Ascending Order
Linux technical evaluation report1.07TST-LINUXRT_2_6_33_7_2-rt30-x86-v107-sample.pdf5/30/2011
Linux on X86 platform evaluation report1.07OS-LINUXRT_2.
QNX 6.5 on X86 platform evaluation report3.10TST-QNX-65-x86-01-v310-sample.pdf9/7/2011
QNX 6.5 on ATOM platform evaluation report3.10TST-QNX-65-x86A-02-v310-sample.pdf9/7/2011
QNX 6.5 on ARM platform evaluation report3.10TST-QNX-65-ARM-01-v310-sample.pdf9/7/2011
QNX 6.5 architecture evaluation report4.10OS-QNX-65-V410-sample.pdf9/8/2011
QNX 6.5 on PPC platform1.07EVA-2_9-TST-QNX-65-PPC-01-v107-sample.pdf11/7/2011
RT Linux on ARM platform evaluation report3.00LINUXRT_2_6_33_7_2-rt30-ARM-v300_SAMPLE.pdf3/2/2012
RT Linux on ATOM platform evaluation report2.00TST-LINUXRT_2_6_33_7_2-rt30-ATOM-SAMPLE.pdf4/27/2012
Vanilla Linux 2.6.32 on PowerPC platform evaluation report1.00TST-LINUX_2_6_32-PPC-v100-SAMPLE.pdf5/2/2012
Android Linux 3.0.4 on ARM platform evaluation report2.00TST-ANDROID-3_0_4-ARM-v210-SAMPLE.pdf5/30/2012
Microsoft Embedded Compact 7 theoretical evaluation report3.10OS-CE-7-A03-V310-SAMPLE.pdf6/11/2012
Microsoft Embedded Compact 7 on X86 platform evaluation report4.10TST-CE7-x86-v410-SAMPLE.pdf6/11/2012
Microsoft Embedded Compact 7 on ARM platform evaluation report5.10TST-CE7-ARM-v510-SAMPLE.pdf6/11/2012
Microsoft Embedded Compact 7 on ATOM platform evaluation report2.10TST-CE7-ATOM-v210-SAMPLE.pdf6/11/2012
Behavior and performance evaluation of µC/OS V3.03.01 on RX63N1.00EVA-2_9-TST-uCOS V3 03 01-RX63N-sample.pdf12/4/2014
Behavior and performance evaluation of FreeRTOS 8.0.0 on RX63N1.00EVA-2_9-TST-FREERTOS_8_0_0-RX63N_sample.pdf12/4/2014
Evaluating Real-Time Hypervisor (RTS) v4.11.00EVA-2_9-TST-RTS-Hypervisor-Xeon-sample.pdf12/4/2014
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